钢包红包接钢,加速周转,防止粘渣 ladle red color loading steel liquid , fast speed turnover , to prevent stick slag





Steel ladle use high aluminum and some basic refractory materials, and the wall is easy to stick slag or tumor. With the number of use, the adhesive residue becomes thicker, resulting in a reduction of effective volume and empty weight. If the lifting weight is reached or exceeded, it will bring safety risks to production.Serious sticky slag had to be removed, so that the packaging age was reduced and the consumption of refractory materials was increased.Use red envelope to connect steel, speed up the turnover of steel package, cold and heat reduce, package crack reduce, sticky slag is light.In order to speed up the turnover of steel package, a steel mill in Shandong Province has compiled a steel refining-refining-continuous cast steel package path plan, with empty package walking path and heavy package walking path plan.Orderly scheduling of steel packages, increase the utilization rate of red envelopes, not only reduces the steel package hanging slag, but also reduces the energy consumption.
The reasons for steel package hanging slag are more complex, related to steelmaking process, steel type, material and quality of refractory materials, steel package insulation, fast and slow steel package turnover and other factors.Among them, to speed up the turnover, red envelope receiving steel is a more common method.Of course, there are also refractory materials for all steel species, such as wax stone brick.Its erosion mechanism is mainly melting erosion, contact with steel water slag to form a liquid phase layer with high viscosity, to prevent the slag penetration, and has the advantages of micro-expansion and good lining integrity after heating.But its fire resistance was poor, and when cast and refined, wax bricks were eliminated.
Secondly, the steel package port slag can not be ignored, will make the effective area of the package mouth reduce, resulting in slag is not clean.Often use of oxygen cutting or mechanical demolition, most will damage the lining, but also consume a lot of labor.A coating can be applied or coated on the lining surface to isolate the contact between the slag and the lining to achieve the purpose of preventing the lining adhesion slag.The anti-adhesive slag coating made of magnesium mineral, quartz, clay, chromium oxide powder and phosphate was coated with 3~5mm thick on the surface of magnesium carbon brick of baosteel refining package. After pouring, it fell off together with the slag attached to the surface of magnesium carbon brick, extending the service life of slag line and package mouth magnesium carbon brick.There are also silicon carbide and graphite substances that are not easy to be wet by slag, but the price is high.

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